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Company store

Top Tips for Marketing Online Company Stores Internally

Companies are becoming increasingly interested in opening online branded stores to sell personalized apparel and promotional products. Online company stores permit employees to buy company-branded apparel, accessories, and office supplies, even if they are on the go. These can act as a morale booster and improve engagement with the brand and employees, making employees proud of the company that they work for.

If your business has gone to great lengths to create an incredible company swag store for your employees, you'll want them to be aware of it and start using it. Here are some of the best tips for marketing your online company store internally:

Promote at New Hire Orientations

Remember to inform your new recruits about the company-branded goods to which they are entitled. Mention your online company store as one of the employee perks and set them up with a promotional code that works for their first purchase. This will increase branded product acceptance right from the beginning.

Send Regular Store Promotion Emails

Capitalize on your employee email base by sending regular updates about the latest trends, sales, and special offers. Plan themes around seasonal events, company milestones, new product rollouts, and staff appreciation events.

Offer 'Swag Days' for Team Bonding

Organize activities where various departments or teams can browse the online company store and place orders. Make it a team bonding activity by providing snacks, contests for branded product trivia, and prizes for top swag buyers.

Gamify Purchases with Rewards Programs

Everyone enjoys receiving bonuses and freebies. Create a loyalty program tied into the company store in which the employees get points for buying goods in addition to the points they can redeem for future discounts or fun branded accessories.

Feature the Store on the Intranet Homepage

Give your online company store prime real estate on the company intranet homepage. Include images of popular products, sales announcements, and seasonal gift guides. Make it visible and compelling every time an employee logs on.

Leverage Company Events, Meetings and Parties

Whenever groups of employees get together, ensure the online company store has a presence. Set up a store display at company parties, mention giveaways in company-wide meetings, or hand out branded product samples and coupons at events.

Encourage Leaders to Role Model Branded Products Use

Enlist the support of executives, team leaders, and influencers to role model wearing and using company-branded merchandise on a regular basis. Employees will be more inclined to sport branded apparel and use branded company products if their bosses do the same.

Track Performance and Gather Feedback

Monitor metrics like the number of employees logged into the store, average purchase value, best-selling items, and conversion rates. Also, survey employees to find out what company-branded products they would most like to purchase. This will reveal gaps and opportunities.

Refresh Merchandise Frequently

Don't let products in your online company stores get stale. Continually add new apparel, accessories, drinkware, office supplies, and other items to keep the selection fresh and exciting for employees. Limited-edition product drops also spark interest.

Internal marketing an online company store requires strategic planning and multi-channel promotion. Branded merchandise offerings must align with company culture, tap into employee motivations to feel pride and connection, and make shopping in the store rewarding. When internal marketing hits the mark, employees will eagerly sport, display, and gift gear from the best company swag store.

Choose Flywheel for all your Branding Needs

Does your company need a branded online store for employees? Flywheel Brands Inc. specializes in creating customized online company stores with apparel, merchandise, and swag tailored to your brand. Contact us to find out how we can help boost employee engagement through strategic branded products and internal marketing.

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