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Making Company Stores Work for Your Business

Your employees need a convenient way to access your promotional products and apparel from the comfort of their homes. There’s no better way to fulfill that need than with an online company store! Online shopping has become more popular in recent years, but the novel coronavirus really kicked things into high gear for the eCommerce world. It’s time for your business to carve out its own space in the world wide web with an online company store; a place where your employees and customers can go to purchase their favorite branded products from their favorite company – you!

Our Solution

Our platform has given us everything we need to provide our clients with an accessible online store. 

  • Customizable web pages
  • Wishlist building options
  • Simple checkout
  • Customer order management
  • Vendor management
  • Access to analytics
  • & so much more!

Different Options to Fit Your Needs

Your company store is unique. What works well for us might not be exactly what works for you. That’s why our solution provides 4 options for company stores:

  1. Catalog Site – Your shoppers can build a wishlist, ask for a custom quote, browse your inventory, and request samples.
  2. Basic Store – An eCommerce store that was made for promotional products and has easy options for checkout.
  3. Advanced Store – Unlock all of our amazing features and provide your customers with the very best experience.
  4. Virtual Samples – This option allows your shoppers to see what their custom promo products will look like before they order.

Schedule a Demo

Building your own company store sounds like a daunting task! That’s why we offer demos weekly! A real person will walk you through all of the features that each option has and answer any questions you might have. The entire demo takes about 30-minutes to complete. Reach out to us at results@flywheelbrands.com to schedule a demo.

Give your customers everything they need by building your own company store with Flywheel!

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