To some, GOLF is just a game. To others it represents important fellowship and offers a sense of community. But to us at Flywheel, it's serious business. Rather than viewing the annual golf tournament or VIP client golfers in the same old light, we see possibilities far beyond the obvious.
G.O.L.F. to us is a "Great Opportunity Lacking Focus". Rather than putting the emphasis on the four-person scramble, we see this yearly tradition as an open door to building and nurturing relationships.
To show you what we mean, here are some do's and don'ts so you can avoid having G.O.L.F. diminish your chances of scoring big this year.

disregard golf promo if you don't know any golfers. There are various applications for these promotional products that may be suitable for your audience when creatively presented.
look at related promotional products and apparel like Nike polo shirts, trendy drinkware, sporty ball caps and other sporting goods that fit your particular audience.
forget about promo for all types of golf-related events, including tournaments, charitable fundraisers, silent auction, VIP and volunteer gifts, raffle and door prizes and company outings.
select free giveaways that the recipient will consider highly useful, such as lip balm, golf tees, cooling towels or even phone wallets. Anything else may not result in the return on investment that you're looking for.
hand out high-dollar gifts that are missing your logo. You can imprint or embroider nearly anything today, from drone camera helicopters to apparel from The North Face®. This is also a great way to achieve co-branding with a popular or reliable brand, such as Reebok or Stanley®.
choose products that people will wear or keep for long periods of time. Did you know that umbrellas tend to be kept longer than any other type of promotional product? (Here's one we really like.)
think that the itchy polo shirt is the only way to go. Apparel has come a looong way over the years thanks to popular retailers pushing the industry to up its game. Now, collarless, fitted polos for ladies and breathable, fashionable designs for men make buying polos a wise investment.
consider golf swag, such as a multi-tool, a sleeve of golf balls or even a fancy gadget, for your customers who enjoy hitting the fairways as a way to say thanks for their loyalty.
If you're having trouble coming up with effective solutions for your strategy, check out our Golf Accessories & Event Giveaways Collection.